Pawn Used School Supplies
Back to school shopping has begun! From textbooks to uniforms, notebooks, pencil cases, and tuition, a good education can get costly quickly. Whether your child goes back to school in the coming weeks or class is already in session, pawn shops can help you with the costs associated with back to school shopping. Here are some of the most popular items we buy/sell:
- Pawn past year’s school supplies. Educational curriculums have started to rely more heavily on the latest and greatest in technology. If you have an old laptop or calculator that needs an upgrade for the coming school year, bring your old one to 1st United Pawn. You could earn $30-60 for a like-new graphing calculator and anywhere from $100-600 for a laptop, depending on the brand and condition of it.
- Pawn old instruments. If you’re considering joining the band or orchestra but don’t want to pay the hefty fees associated with renting an instrument, pawn shops carry lightly used instruments at steep discounts. If you’re just looking for extra spending money for back to school and have an instrument you no longer want or need, pawn shops are always looking to buy instruments that are gently used and in good condition.
- Pawn cell phones. A cell phone is becoming a mandatory part of back to school shopping. They’re great for staying in touch throughout the day whether you live on campus or you’re traveling for a sports team. If you or your child are in need of a cell phone, 1st United Pawn and Loan has a variety of options to choose from at discounted rates. We will also pay for smartphones that are in good condition if you’re looking to make an upgrade this school year.
If you’re simply looking to earn some extra spending money for back to school shopping, 1st United Pawn and Loan can help with that, too! From electronics you no longer have a use for to jewelry, and even gift cards, 1st United Pawn wants to put cash in your hands! Get the money you need for back to school by stopping into one of our many locations today!