Pawn Shops That Buy Jerseys
If you’re a fan of any sports team, chances are you have a few authentic jerseys laying around. Whether you’ve had the same jersey for years and are in need of an upgrade, or you have more jerseys than you know what to do with, you could stand to make a substantial amount by bringing them to our pawn shop.
Like any item you bring to a pawn shop, the condition of the jersey determines how much money you’ll be offered. Here are the biggest factors pawn shops consider when valuing a sports jersey:
- The age of the jersey. Sports teams change the way their jerseys look over time. If you’ve held on to your favorite team’s jerseys over the years, the older models may be worth something. Often, pawn shops are on the lookout for items that could be valuable to collectors.
- The rareness and authenticity of the jersey. An autographed jersey holds significantly more value and could bring in a ton of money for a pawn shop. If you have a signed jersey, it helps to have proof that the jersey and its signature are authentic, in good condition and lacking any fading or damage.
- The name of the player. Certain players can be worth more, depending on factors like the location of the pawn shop (is it their home team?), what that player has done for their team in the past, or any awards that player may have won.
1st United Pawn & Loan wants to put cash in your hands for your authentic sports jerseys. We evaluate all kinds of jerseys, including NHL, NFL, NBA, and MLB. Contact us with any questions that you may have.